Course contents

Please click on the class option below to view the topics covered.

If you would like a course with the ability to remove or include certain topics, please consider a private class. 

One day Streamlined Course

Late Pregnancy: your rights, role of the LMC, how to ask questions and make an informed choice optimal fetal positioning

Labour & Birth: signs of labour, physiological labour & birth, the role of the birthing hormones, self help measures, monitoring through labour, induction of labour, assisted birth, medical pain management, how to write a birth plan. 

Postnatal: Current recommendations for newborn screening, Vitamin K, immunisations, anxiety & depression, sleep deprivation, crying baby, unwanted advice, SUDI prevention: Safe sleep, breastfeeding, car seat safety, practical parenting; how to hold, bath and dress a baby, change a nappy, where to find a social/support network, setting up a coffee group.

Comprehensive 4hr CPR  & First Aid

4 hr CPR Workshop:

This workshop covers all current recomendations as laid out by the NZ Resuscitation Council for Infants (baby - 1yr) and children (1 - 10 yrs).


Assesment of a situation, Basic life support, CPR, choking, use of an AED, allergy and anaphylaxis, burns - chemical, sun, electrical and heat,  electrocution, fractures, dislocation, bleeding - nose, mouth,  puncture, amputation, poisoning, fainting, fever, asthma, diabetes, seizure, head injury, bites, stings, hypothermia, hyperthermia, shock 

CPR & First Aid 2hr awareness at Birthcare

2 hr class monthly at Birthcare

This workshop covers all current recomendations as laid out by the NZ Resuscitation Council for Infants (baby - 1yr) and children (1 - 10 yrs).


Basic life support, CPR, Choking, use of an AED, allergy and anaphylaxis, burns - chemical, sun, electrical and heat,  electrocution, fractures, dislocation, bleeding - nose, mouth,  puncture, amputation, poisoning, fever, seizure

CPR & Choking 2hr class

2 hr CPR Workshop:

This workshop covers current recomendations as laid out by the NZ Resuscitation Council for Infants (baby - 1yr) and children (1 - 10 yrs).


Assesment of a situation, Basic life support, CPR, choking, use of an AED.

Early Pregnancy Course

Maternity Care: The importnance of the HDC Code, accessing maternity care, how to make informed decisions, the role of a Lead Maternity Carer (LMC), what kind of birth do you want, choosing a birthing venue: advantages and disadvantages, facilities available at each, current statistics.

Pregnant mothers health: diet, exercise, common discomforts, current recommendations for care, prenatal anxiety and depression, warning signs in pregnancy, preparation for labour, pelvic floor muscles, position of baby in the pelvis.

Beginning preparation for after baby is born: breastfeeding, thinking about what baby may need, and tips for working out what to buy for baby.

Cesaeran Section Course

Late Pregnancy: your rights when accessing maternity care in NZ,  Role of a Lead Maternity Carer (LMC), common discomforts and tips to help, warning signs in labour, pelvic floor muscles.

Labour & Birth: signs of labour, the role of hormones, and how a C/S may impact them, how to help the natural hormones build post CS, how to write a birth plan for a C/S. 

Postnatal: Current recommendations for newborn screening, Vitamin K, immunisations, newborn appearance, common challenges new parents face; recovery from C/S, anxiety & depression, sleep deprivation, crying baby, unwanted advice,  newborn post C/S behaviour and cues, SUDI prevention: Safe sleep, breastfeeding, impact of C/S on breast milk supply, car seat safety, practical parenting; how to hold, bath and dress a baby, change a nappy, tips for newborn care post C/S

Natural Birthing Course

Late Pregnancy: Your rights when accessing maternity care in NZ, role of the LMC, common discomforts and tips to help,  warning signs in labour, preparation for birth; pelvic floor muscles and optimal fetal positioning, planning ahead mentally and physically for labour and birth, guided massage and mindful breathing.

Labour & Birth: signs of labour, physiological labour and birth, the role of the birthing hormones, self help measures, role of the support person, common monitoring through labour, how to write a birth plan       (Medical assistance is also discussed briefly, so in case your plans change, you are informed)

Postnatal: Current recommendations for newborn screening, Vitamin K, immunisations, newborn appearance, common challenges new parents face; anxiety & depression, sleep deprivation, crying baby, unwanted advice,  newborn behaviour and cues, SUDI prevention: Safe sleep, breastfeeding, car seat safety, practical parenting; how to hold, bath and dress a baby, change a nappy

Tailor Made Private Course

Tailor made antental course content

Below is a list of what would ideally be covered, however we can focus on, or leave topics out depending on your requirements. 

Pregnancy: HDC code, informed decision making.

Preparing for birth:  pelvic anatomy, position of baby.

Hormones through labour:  what they cause through labour and postnatally, what can encourage them, what can slow them down.

Labour:  signs of labour, physiological birth, monitoring through labour, induction of labour, assisted birth, medical pain management.

Postnatally: Role of LMC, current screening and newborn assessments, depression and anxiety, SUDI prevention, Feeding baby, car seat safety

Refresher Course

Labour and birth: Processing your last birthing experience, recap of signs of labour, labour and birth, reminder of the birthing hormones and the role they play, medical pain management

Postnatal: reminders of newborn behaviour, current SUDI prevention recommendations, car seat safety, depression and anxiety signs, tips for introducing siblings, breastfeeding reminders.